WđïœÒșóΰt SđžÄïœ Uá” PortrĂ€tt av en kvinna i brand Movie Watch
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â”â” ÏâŁâĄâČâïčĄâ
- average rating 9,2 / 10
- Year 2019
- Countries France
- writers CĂ©line Sciamma
- Directed by CĂ©line Sciamma
- rating 10628 votes
This movie killed me and brought me back to life... This movie is the best thing on Earth. Bellissimo. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh đ„đđ. Filme muito bom, mas, nĂŁo gostei do final. Love it. One of the 5 thumbsdown is Heloise mother đ€Šââïž. En hoppfull och vacker berĂ€ttelse om ett förhĂ„llande dömt att misslyckas. CĂ©line Sciammas Ă€r en manusförfattare och regissör vars meritlista Ă€r relativt kort men ack sĂ„ imponerande. Som regissör ligger hon bakom succĂ©er som âTomboyâ och âGirlhoodâ och som manusförfattare kan hon stoltsera med bland annat âMitt liv som Zucchiniâ Den sistnĂ€mnda var enligt mig 2016 Ă„rs bĂ€sta film. Hennes senaste alster Ă€r âPortrĂ€tt av en kvinna i brandâ dĂ€r hon bĂ„de skriver och regisserar. I samband med att filmen visades pĂ„ Stockholms Filmfestival mottog CĂ©line Sciamma Stockholm Visionary Award. Foto: Folkets Bio. VĂ„r berĂ€ttelse tar sin början i Bretagne i slutet av 1700-talet. I samband med att den unga kvinnan HĂ©loĂŻse ska giftas bort ska ett portrĂ€tt mĂ„las av henne för att skicka till hennes friare. För uppgiften i frĂ„ga anlitar hennes mor en konstnĂ€r vid namn Marianne. NĂ€r Marianne anlĂ€nder till ön dĂ€r HĂ©loĂŻse bor fĂ„r hon reda pĂ„ att portrĂ€ttet mĂ„ste mĂ„las i hemlighet utan HĂ©loĂŻses vetskap. Hon Ă€r nĂ€mligen minst sagt avigt instĂ€lld till att bli bortgift och dĂ€rav Ă€ven till att sitta modell till portrĂ€ttet. Marianne tvingas dĂ€rför att studera HĂ©loĂŻse i detalj nĂ€r de umgĂ„s under dagarna och mĂ„la pĂ„ portrĂ€ttet pĂ„ kvĂ€llar och nĂ€tter. De tvĂ„ kvinnorna blir fort vĂ€ldigt fĂ€sta vid varandra och ganska snart börjar kĂ€nslor utvecklas dem mellan, starkare Ă€n vĂ€nskap. De inleder en het romans som Ă€r lika njutbar som smĂ€rtsam eftersom de bĂ„da vet att det Ă€r en förbjuden sĂ„dan. FörhĂ„llandet mellan filmens tvĂ„ huvudpersoner mĂ„ vara hopplös och dömt att misslyckas. PĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt lyckas Ă€ndĂ„ CĂ©line Sciammas fokusera pĂ„ det vackra och hoppfulla. Jag som tittare Ă€r vĂ€l medveten om att de tvĂ„ kvinnorna troligtvis inte kommer kunna leva tillsammans, men kĂ€nner Ă€ndĂ„ mest bara glĂ€dje inför den tid de faktiskt fĂ„r. Detta gör att PortrĂ€tt av en kvinna i brand aldrig blir den tunga och dystra film den kunde ha blivit. Visst finns dĂ€r en viss bitterljuv kĂ€nsla ocksĂ„, men den ger bara filmen en vĂ€lbehövlig balans. Huvudrollsinnehavarna NoĂ©mie Meriant och AdĂšle Haenel bĂ€r verkligen den hĂ€r filmen pĂ„ sina axlar. Deras skĂ„despeleri Ă€r utsökt och samspelet dem emellan likasĂ„. Ofta skildras kĂ€nsloyttringar med vĂ€ldigt smĂ„ medel och ytterst subtil mimik som en blick eller ett svagt leende. Roligt ocksĂ„ att se Valeria Golino glĂ€nsa i rollen som HĂ©loĂŻses mor. En skĂ„despelare jag personligen mest förknippar med Hot Shots 1 och 2. Som grĂ€dden pĂ„ moset innesluts denna kĂ€nslofyllda och vĂ€lspelade berĂ€ttelse i ett blĂ€ndande vackert foto. PortrĂ€tt av en kvinna i brand Ă€r sĂ„ledes en av Ă„rets bĂ€sta filmer och utan tvekan det bĂ€sta franska lesbiska dramat sedan BlĂ„ Ă€r den varmaste fĂ€rgen. I vĂ€ntan pĂ„ "PortrĂ€tt av en kvinna i brand" kan ni passa pĂ„ att se mĂ€sterverket " BlĂ„ Ă€r den varmaste fĂ€rgen ".
How did you get the clips? I've been dying to watch it and would buy it if necessary. HĂ©loĂŻse (AdĂšle Haenel) och NoĂ©mie Merlant som (Marianne). Foto: Folkets Bio AdĂšle Haenels sorgsna HĂ©loĂŻse lyser i ett passionerat 1700-talsdrama med fladdrande stearinljus. HĂ€r skapar en nĂ€stan helkvinnlig ensemble nya perspektiv pĂ„ en klassisk genre. AdĂšle Haenel som den unga adelsdamen HĂ©loĂŻse som blir förförd av NoĂ©mie Merlants konstnĂ€rinna Marianne som ska mĂ„la hennes portrĂ€tt. Foto: Folkets Bio Bild 1 av 2 Foto: Folkets Bio Bild 2 av 2 Sedan debuten med âWater liliesâ 2007 har fransyskan CĂ©line Sciamma Ă„terkommande skildrat kvinnligheten som ett fĂ€ngelse. I âTomboyâ (2011) tar 10-Ă„riga Laure chansen att lĂ„tsas vara kille nĂ€r familjen flyttar. I âWater liliesâ, som med lite god vilja kan beskrivas som en fransk âFucking Ă mĂ„lâ, försöker 15-Ă„riga Marie desperat fĂ„ den coola Floriane (AdĂšle Haenel) att vĂ€lja henne framför skolans snygging François. Floriane faller för Marie men Ă€r ocksĂ„ fjĂ€rrstyrd av de sociokulturella förvĂ€ntningarna pĂ„ henne som tonĂ„rsflicka â sina egna och andras.
Donde la puedo ver completa. When I finished Parasite(2019) I was so sure it was going to be my favourite foreign film of the year considering my negligence to foreign films. But what do you know it probably just got beaten.
Portrait of a lady on fire is definitely not everyones cup of tea. It's quite slow, the plot isn't otherworldy, the pacing isn't satisfactory and it loses its charm at it's climax by a considerable amount.
But what it is, is absolutely mesmerizing. It was so beautiful in fact I felt I was doing a disservice to the talented group of individuals that made the film by watching it in a dodgy print in a small monitor. It was so beautifully shot that I didn't feel bored even at the slightest at what should've been a very boring part of the film. The setting is picturesque and the cinematography is luscious. The score is absent but as I went and googled I found it was done for a reason. Truly and "art film.
The use of color and set design greatly benefits the overall experience as does the timeperiod. The acting is simply marvelous. Both the actress really portrayed their characters to perfection, the subtle emotes and pale turned gleeful glances were superb. I don't know if those were award worthy performances but it definitely kept me glued to the seat delighted and mesmerized. The script was quite unusual, it doesn't have much dialogues but when there were those were sharper and absolutely unabashed. It's shot beautifully and a good example of a talented director at the helm.
As beautiful as it looks and as much as the sexual tension was captivating, it was not flawless. The movies pacing is affected by a certain sidecharacters unnecessary arc which I couldn't care about even if I tried. It really drains out the magic of the film to quite a degree. Another disheartening thing is how the two leads fall for each other without much buildup. I mean it is not necessarily a spoiler as the movie is about lesbians in the 1800s but I felt the movie was more enjoyable and enchanting when there was sexual tension between them. When they get together it's down to the same cookie-cutter formula of forbidden love and it really drowns the movie quite a bit.
Surely one of the most beautiful movies I've seen this year but a few overplayed elements and abrupt pacing at the last quarter of the film bogged it down quite a bit. It is still a treat to look at nonetheless. The rating might not go in line with the flaws I mentioned above but considering how it managed to draw me in with what should've been something really boring, I'd say it earned it.
- https://profesormario.blogia.com/2020/030101--12361-no-sign-up-12365-watch-stream-portrait-de-la-jeune-fille-en-feu.php
- https://edu.apps01.yorku.ca/alumni/groups/online-portrait-de-la-jeune-fille-en-feu-watch-stream/
- https://wokuitan.amebaownd.com/posts/7840406
- https://edu.apps01.yorku.ca/alumni/groups/full-movie-staende-av-en-dam-i-brand-download-free/
- https://josealexander29.blogia.com/2020/030102-eng-sub-download-full-portrait-de-la-jeune-fille-en-feu.php
- https://edu.apps01.yorku.ca/alumni/groups/online-movie-portrait-de-la-jeune-fille-en-feu/
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